The Elite series is hitting a bit of a milestone in 2014, racking up a double century of titles as it surges to its 200th title. There is a mixture of 'classic' Elite titles in the year, together a couple of titles from its hugely successful Tactics mini-series spin-off. So, lets see what our Elite series has on offer for 2014.

Elite 198 Us World War II Parachute Infantry Regiments (Jan 2014)

Elite 199 World War I Battlefield Artillery Tactics (Jan 2014)

Elite 200 World War II Glider Assault Tactics (March 2014)

Elite 201 The Carthaginians 6th-2nd Century BC (April 2014)

Elite ??? The British Army since 2000 (September 2014)

Elite ??? World War II US Navy Special Warfare Units (October 2014)


Remember, all this information is still subject to change, but we are pretty confident that this will be the final line-up for titles in the Elite series. What do you think of this list, and how many of you will be about to get your 200th Elite title?