As you know Osprey is 40 years young this year and this August we published our 450th Men-at-Arms title. In honour of these two milestones I thought I would ask you, our readers, to join in our brainstorming session and help us decide what Men-at-Arms titles you would like to see published.
We currently have two proposals on the table. The first looks at Frederick the Great\'s Allies. This book would detail the regiments of Redcoats that fought for Frederick on the continent during the Seven Years\' War as well as the British funding of troops from Brunswick and Hanover to fight alongside the Prussians.
The second proposal we are considering is a follow-up to MAA 442 Queen Victoria\'s Highlanders but this time looking at Queen Victoria\'s Irish Regiments. If you like the sound of either of these two proposals then please let us know by posting your comments.
I would also be interested in hearing about any other Men-at-Arms titles any of you would be keen to write. Please feel free to email me directly and then I can discuss the ideas with Martin Windrow. If you are a first-time author I will happily forward the author guideline notes to you and detail what we would expect in a proposal.
But remember - Osprey authors are also responsible for devising the content of the artwork plates and supplying all the reference material for the artist! Hopefully, with your help, we will be able to do another 450 Men-at-Arms titles over the next 40 years.
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