
The greatest period of Inca expansion occurred during the reigns of Pachacuti (1438–71), Tupa Inca (1471–93), and Huayna Capac (1493–1527).

From the mountain stronghold of Cuzco, they subjugated the surrounding kingdoms and territories, absorbing their civilizations and their peoples. By 1525, they dominated much of the west of the continent, relying on fortified strongholds, an extensive system of roads and bridges, and obligatory military service to control local populations.

This illustrated volume takes a detailed look at the development of Incan fortification techniques, and examines how they came to be overrun by the Spanish conquistadors.

Product details

Published Jun 20 2012
Format Ebook (PDF)
Edition 1st
Extent 64
ISBN 9781849080460
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 55 b/w; 19 col
Series Fortress
Short code FOR 47
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


H. W. Kaufmann

HW Kaufmann has an MA in Spanish from the Universi…


J.E. Kaufmann

JE Kaufmann has an MA in History from the Universi…


Adam Hook

Adam Hook studied graphic design, and began his wo…


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