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In 1836, Samuel Colt changed the face of warfare with the production of the first of a series of iconic and influential single-action revolvers, including the .44-caliber Colt Walker and the seminal .45-caliber Colt Single Action Army, which remains in production today. These weapons shifted the role of the pistol from single-shot weapon of last resort to a practical and powerful sidearm that gave the soldier the ability to defend himself once his primary armament was discharged. It transformed cavalry tactics and relegated the sword to a largely ceremonial role in many armies.

Featuring full-color artwork, expert analysis, and gripping first-hand accounts, this is the absorbing story of Colt's family of single-action revolvers, covering their origins, development, use, and lasting impact on the modern world.

Table of Contents

Introduction /Development /Use /Impact /Conclusion / Bibliography /Index

Product details

Published Jan 24 2017
Format Paperback
Edition 1st
Extent 80
ISBN 9781472810984
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 30 b/w; 34 col
Dimensions 10 x 7 inches
Series Weapon
Short code WPN 52
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Martin Pegler

Martin Pegler has a BA Hons in Medieval and Modern…


Mark Stacey

Mark Stacey was born in Manchester, UK, in 1964 an…


Alan Gilliland

Alan Gilliland, a contributor to more than 70 Ospr…


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