The first Imperium: Horizons Head-To-Head is here! Discover the game's factions and vote on which you think would win in a new match-up each day...

Welcome to the Imperium: Horizons Head-To-Head. Over the next week we'll be announcing the game's remaining eight all-new civilisations. Each day there'll be another civilisation reveal alongside a sneak peek at some of their incredible art by Mihajlo "The Mico" Dimitrievski. That civilisation will be paired up against one of the civilisations we revealed when first announcing Horizons last year: Taino, Inuit, Aksumites, Mayans, Tang & Sassanids.

Then YOU get to vote on which civilisation in each match-up you think would win against the other, and the winners will continue into quarter-finals, semi-finals, finals - until finally the reigning champion of Imperium: Horizons is decided by you.

Today we're kicking off by revealing The Magyars and pitting them against The Sassanids...



An illustration of mounted Magyar nomads hunting a rabbit through a green field


Hunters and nomads of the Hungarian steppe from the 9th Century CE, your early game will revolve around your powerful leaders – Emese then Almos then Arpad – and forging a Blood Oath to make use of the Unrest you gain. Two paths lay ahead of you for fame and victory: focus on your raids
and grab some quick Glory, or settle down and convert to Christianity
with your high scoring developments.


An illustration of two Sassanid knights charging, one in heavy armour with sword raised and the other in light armour preparing to shoot a bow


Spiritual descendants of the Persian Civilisation dated around the 6th Century CE, you are focused on powerful attacks and utilising Knights to maximise the use of your regions. Follow Zoroastrianism: feed the fire of Atar and purify the waters of Aban, and the Sassanids will show you
unique ways of attaining everlasting Fame.


Imperium: Horizons, designed by Nigel Buckle & Dávid Turczi,
is out 8th February 2024. Pre-order now.

Explore the series with Imperium: Classics and Imperium: Legends.

Watch this space for another faction reveal and head-to-head tomorrow, and stay tuned each week starting 17th October until release for our in-depth civilisation blogs...