It's time for the Osprey Games Hobby Update - here's what the team have been up to.
Pete Ward - Games Marketer
This week I finished off my unit of 10 Dwarf Linebreakers for Oathmark, and have almost finished a unit of 10 Dwarf Warriors, made using the Dwarf Heavy Infnatry set. Seeing what everyone is posting on the Oathmark Facebook Group has definitely inspired me, if you are interested in the game I'd definitely suggest you check it out! I'm aiming to have my army fully painted by the time we can get back into the office and play!
Once I've got a few more units painted I'll show them all off together and give you all the backstory to my kingdom
Joseph A. McCullough - Wargames Developer
This is another, recent
Reaper Bones purchase. Apart from a somewhat warped base, he’s a wonderful figure. Painting was a breeze as he’s basically all layered purple/pink and a bunch of washes. I got him to serve as the main threat in my introductory undersea adventure.
While I still want to add some stuff to my ‘general undersea terrain’ collection, I think I’ve got enough to get started with. So, now it is on to working out some rules and coming up with that first scenario!
And I remembered a size-comparison shot this time!
Phil Smith - Head of Osprey Games
This week, I've been adding a unit of five archers to my growing little force. Unfortunately, I have not made the progress on these that I might have hoped for - they're currently just basecoated. Putting the kit together, I came across a few elements which really didn't work for me. One was frustrating enough to see the models pushed to one side for a day, while the other needed me to get green-stuffing. Pics and full commentary to follow once everything is done and dusted!
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