This month the book vote looks at the Combat series, with five new books competing for your vote. From sieges during the Korean War to operations in early 21st-century Iraq, this month's vote covers a wide range of events. Read more about the full list of options below and cast your vote by clicking on the link below!

Plus, keep reading for the results of last month's Campaign book vote. 

CBT: US Soldier vs Chinese Soldier

CBT: Indian Soldier vs Pakistani Soldier

CBT: Iranian Soldier vs Iraqi Soldier

CBT: British Royal Marine vs Argentine Soldier

CBT: US Marine vs Iraqi Insurgent

US Soldier vs Chinese Soldier: Korea 1950–51

In November 1950, US troops first clashed with Chinese forces during the bloody struggle for victory in the Korean War, as Chinese troops strove to push back the United Nations forces that had repelled the North Korean invasion of South Korea. The savage winter conditions would test both sides to the limit, with sustained Chinese pressure compelling the US forces and their allies to retreat before the line could be stabilized.


Indian Soldier vs Pakistani Soldier: Indo-Pakistani Wars 1965–71

In 1965 and again in 1971, Indian and Pakistani forces fought one another in two sharp military clashes that redrew the map of South Asia and set the tone for decades of confrontation between the two countries. While the 17-day conflict in 1965 was prompted by the long-running dispute over Jammu and Kashmir, the 13-day war of 1971 arose following Bangladeshi efforts to become independent of Pakistan.


Iranian Soldier vs Iraqi Soldier: Iran–Iraq War 1980–88

The Iran-Iraq War was sparked when Iraq invaded Iran in September 1980, hoping to profit from the upheaval in that country following the 1979 Islamic Revolution. In the event, despite widespread international support, the Iraqis found that their initial territorial gains were mostly recovered by Iranian forces, which mounted a series of offensives until the war ended in a ceasefire in August 1988, after some 500,000 military personnel had lost their lives.


British Royal Marine vs Argentine Soldier: Falklands 1982

Following the Argentine landings on the Falkland Islands in April 1982, the Royal Marines of 3 Commando Brigade were deployed to the South Atlantic alongside other elements of the British armed forces to take the islands back, playing a crucial role in the subsequent fighting. Their Argentine opponents, many of whom were conscripts, experienced shortcomings in both equipment and training; both sides would find that the bleak conditions challenged them to the limit.


US Marine vs Iraqi Insurgent: Fallujah 2004

In March 2004, in the wake of the 2003 Coalition invasion of Iraq, insurgents in Fallujah killed four private military contractors, prompting Coalition commanders to launch a major counterinsurgency campaign – Operation Vigilant Resolve – in the city. A major escalation in local hostilities ensured, with US forces withdrawing from Fallujah in May. A subsequent Coalition effort in November–December 2004 – Operation Phantom Fury – involved some of the heaviest urban combat experienced by US forces since the Vietnam War, as US Marines and others confronted the insurgents in this ancient Iraqi city.


Make your vote by clicking here!

Last month we asked you what would you like to see published in our Campaign series. Thank you to everyone who voted and provided feedback, the full results are listed below! 

CAM: The Prussian Crusade 1217–74  25%
CAM: The East African Campaign 1914-18  26%
CAM: The Gothic Line 1944–45  19%
CAM: The Battle of Hue 1968  13%
CAM: The Soviet–Afghan War 1979–89    17%

Did your favourite win? Which Combat title did you vote for? Let us know in the comments