All the entries are in, and it was a great set of conversions and kitbashes! Thanks and congratulations to everyone who entered the Triple Sprue Challenge – there were some incredible entries, and some just plain bizarre ones! We’ve got a full gallery of all the entries for you to browse at the bottom of this page – there might be some inspiration lurking in there for your next modelling project…
The Osprey Games judging panel entered into heated debate to determine the winners, and the office rang out with the sound of points and counterpoints concerning the merits of full weapon conversions versus hand swaps, and the most intriguing alternate uses for pointy hoods and swagbags.
So, without further ado…
Each of these talented kitbashers wins a copy of the Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago rulebook.
David Powell
David’s entry might not have the same degree of converting that some other entries do, but it’s a really clean, polished set. Each figure has a distinct tone, from the nervous young apprentice to the confident, veteran wizard and the swashbuckling captain – but all work well together.
Silverhands Workshop
Silverhands Workshop’s entry features heavy converting and kitbashing throughout. The attention to detail is wonderful – the pipe being smoked by the captain, the wizard’s half-skull visage, the demonic head being summoned by the apprentice are particular favourites.
Sebastian Öwall
The wizard’s staff in Sebastian’s entry is a very strong focal point, and screams out for development as a cult symbol or something! His captain has a really nice Assassin’s Creed vibe to it with the hood and dual-wield pose.
The Winner
For services to Kitbashing, the winner of the grand prize – a copy of the Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago rulebook and Accessory Pack, and a box of the plastic Crewmen – is…
Coen Westerduin
A very strong approach to kitbashing from Coen, while still being relatively understated. Everything fits together as if it was intended to – the palm-cutting apprentice, the scythe-like staff, even the two-handed axe being carried by the captain. Nothing is designed to fit together like that, but in these models, they look as if they were. The horns are the obvious conclusion of this approach – trimmed and integrated to perfection. As Joseph McCullough said: “I wish someone would cast those up as I'd love to paint them”.
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