You might remember us tentatively asking who would be interested in contributing to the 'This week in history' section of the website.

We got quite a positive response, we know that the Osprey fanbase is teeming with knowledge and passion, so we have decided to give it a trial run!

 We will be accepting trial submissions for subjects related to events that took place around the last week of May, from the 24th to the 31st (as a loose guide).

 If you have any bright ideas for a piece pertaining to military history, relating to that span of the calendar, we'd love to see your submissions!

 The specification for these articles is not rigid, although they do need to be historically accurate, well-written and interesting!

Cast an eye over the current 'This week in history' to give you a guideline of length and style, but remember, it can be as long or short as you want (within reason)

 Of course if your piece is selected, then you will be properly credited.

We will still be using contributions from a range of Osprey personnel, experts, authors and staff, but we really fancy interspersing that with some of our readers' well-articulated knowledge.

 If you have an idea, why not put pen to paper and fingertips to keys and have  a go?! Submit your writing to [email protected]

 We're really excited to see what you come up with!