
For the longest time, the only large twin engined bomber or fighter we have had in the larger 1/32 scale injection moulded plastic were the early Revell offerings of the Beaufighter, bomber mosquito and the Bf110. In the last few years – led by companies from the east we have had a resurgence 1/32 scale kits the likes we haven’t seen since the seventies. Trumpeter, Hasegawa, Dragon and Tamiya have all tipped their hat in the ring with new kits in this scale – but it is Revell of Germany that has led the way in larger twin-engined propeller engined machines – until now – enter the HK Models B-25 kit in 1/32 scale...


Landing on the desk in a massive box (this is the pre-retail version) we have the HK Models B-25 in 1/32 kit to review for you! This kit isn’t the finished article you will see in the shops but very near close to it - a special preview if you like! Only missing the landing gear box and proper decals, the kit itself is the same as you will buy from the shops. Let’s look inside to this box to see just what this much talked about and long awaited kit all about. Follow this link to The Modelling News to see the extended review...