For those who don't know, Peep Show is an award-winning Channel 4 sitcom that follows the antics of Mark (David Mitchell) and Jeremy (Robert Webb), two twenty-somethings living in south London. The show is shot in a first-person point of view style (hence the name!) and is a great favourite within the Osprey offices.
The thought of one of our books featuring in such a well-known British television series has got us all really enthusiastic... although the publicity hound in me is still sorely tempted to re-release the book with a cheesy "As seen on TV" splash across the front cover. But I think I may have to reign myself in somewhat!
The fifth series of Peep Show starts this Friday on Channel 4 at 10.30pm.
If you don't live in the UK, you may be able to watch the show at from the 3rd May.
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