I Will Run Wild

The Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to Midway

I Will Run Wild cover

I Will Run Wild

The Pacific War from Pearl Harbor to Midway

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This fascinating volume - now available in paperback offers a vivid narrative history of the early stages of the Pacific War, as US and Allied forces desperately tried to slow the Japanese onslaught that began with the sudden attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

In many popular histories of the Pacific War, the period from the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor to the US victory at Midway is often passed over because it is seen as a period of darkness. Indeed, it is easy to see the period as one of unmitigated disaster for the Allies, with the fall of the Philippines, Malaya, Burma and the Dutch East Indies, and the wholesale retreat and humiliation at the hands of Japan throughout Southeast Asia.

However, there are also stories of courage and determination in the face of overwhelming odds: the stand of the Marines at Wake Island; the fighting retreat in the Philippines that forced the Japanese to take 140 days to accomplish what they had expected would take 50; the fight against the odds at Singapore and over Java; the stirring tale of the American Volunteer Group in China; and the beginnings of resistance to further Japanese expansion. In these events, there are many individual stories that have either not been told or not been told widely which are every bit as gripping as the stories associated with the turning tide after Midway.

I Will Run Wild draws on extensive first-hand accounts and fascinating new analysis to tell the story of Americans, British, Dutch, Australians and New Zealanders taken by surprise from Pearl Harbor to Singapore that first Sunday of December 1941, who went on to fight with what they had at hand against a stronger and better-prepared foe, and in so doing built the basis for a reversal of fortune and an eventual victory.

Table of Contents

List of Maps
List of Illustrations
Foreword by RADM H. Denny Wisely USN (Ret.)

1: “I Knew My Plans Had Changed”
2: The Rising Sun
3: Preparation in the Philippines
4: “All Hands Have Behaved Splendidly”
5: Opening Blow in the Philippines
6: A Fighting Retreat
7: The Forgotten Campaign
8: The Malay Barrier
9: Reinforcement
10: The Tigers of Burma
11: The Great Escape
12: Indies Finale
13: The Guarantee of Victory
14: “Go Forward, Fight Well, and Do Us Honor”
15: The Forty-Niners
16: “Our Target is Tokyo”
17: Ramsey's Lambsies
18: Victory Disease
19: “A New and Shining Page ”
20: Six Deadly Minutes
21: The Cornerstone of Victory


Product details

Published 10 Jun 2021
Format Paperback
Edition 1st
Extent 320
ISBN 9781472841346
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 32pp plate section in b&w
Dimensions 234 x 153 mm
Series General Military
Short code GNM
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Thomas McKelvey Cleaver

Thomas McKelvey Cleaver has been a published write…


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