American Indian Tribes of the Southwest

American Indian Tribes of the Southwest cover

American Indian Tribes of the Southwest

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This focuses on the history, costume, and material culture of the native peoples of North America. It was in the Southwest – modern Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of California and other neighboring states – that the first major clashes took place between 16th-century Spanish conquistadors and the indigenous peoples of North America. This history of contact, conflict, and coexistence with first the Spanish, then their Mexican settlers, and finally the Americans, gives a special flavor to the region. Despite nearly 500 years of white settlement and pressure, the traditional cultures of the peoples of the Southwest survive today more strongly than in any other region. The best-known clashes between the whites and the Indians of this region are the series of Apache wars, particularly between the early 1860s and the late 1880s. However, there were other important regional campaigns over the centuries – for example, Coronado's battle against the Zuni at Hawikuh in 1540, during his search for the legendary “Seven Cities of Cibola”; the Pueblo Revolt of 1680; and the Taos Revolt of 1847 – and warriors of all of these are described and illustrated in this book.

Table of Contents

Introduction – the American Southwest in prehistory /The Spanish invasion, 16th century /Brief history, lifestyle and culture, religion, wars, and eventual fate of the Yuman tribes (the Havasupai, Walapai, Yavapai, Mohave, Maricopa, Yuma, etc.) /The Piman tribes (the Pima and Papago) /The Athabascan tribes (the six major Apache peoples – the Navajo) /The Pueblo-dwelling tribes (the 19 post-1680 Rio Grande pueblos – the Zuni – the Hopi) /Bibliography /Plate commentaries /Index

Product details

Published 20 Apr 2013
Format Paperback
Edition 1st
Extent 48
ISBN 9781780961866
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 44 col
Dimensions 248 x 184 mm
Series Men-at-Arms
Short code MAA 488
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

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