It's time for the first Intelligence Report from Warlord Games on the upcoming supplement for Bolt Action: Third Edition, Armies of the United States...

We asked, and you answered! Of the Intel Report options we gave you for Armies of the United States: Third Edition, the one you wanted to see first was a look at the Army Special Rules. These rules play a huge role in determining how an army plays and ‘feels’ on the Bolt Action tabletop – let’s look at what’s in store for US players!

American forces in the first two editions of Bolt Action benefited hugely from the Fire and Manoeuvre special rule, which allowed their rifles to ignore the to-hit penalty for moving and shooting. When we were developing Bolt Action: Third Edition, it very quickly became apparent that, when combined with the removal of most of the other to-hit modifiers, this rule was far too powerful! In the ‘get you by’ lists of the main rulebook, we changed it to provide extra shots, representing the semi-automatic rifles and carbines favoured by US forces putting out just a little more firepower than their bolt action counterparts. This has worked well – and so it’s stayed the same!

An extract from the Bolt Action: Armies of the United States: Third Edition rulebook showing the US special rules Fire And Manoeuvre and Air Superiority

Next up are a couple of tried-and-true favourites that have been able to transfer seamlessly to Third Edition. Air Superiority allows you to call down an extra strike with your Forward Air Observer, while Modern Communications makes it much more likely any troops held in reserve will actually turn up when you need them to! These combine with Fire and Manoeuvre to give all US forces and underlying tactical flexibility in battle – whether you’re going on an all-out offensive or thinking up cunning plans to outmanoeuvre your opponent, or something in between, these rules will help your Americans execute on the tabletop.

Next, we move to the real meat and potatoes of every Bolt Action: Third Edition army book – the new unit customisation system, which allows you to theme your entire army around specific formations. In Armies of Germany it was called Defend the Fatherland!, and for the US we have By Air, Land, and Sea! As the name suggests, you’ll be able to build entire forces where every single man is either a member of the elite US Airborne or Rangers, or a gung-ho US Marine, with distinct rules to match those formations’ combat prowess.

An extract from the Bolt Action: Armies of the United States: Third Edition rulebook, showing the US special rules Modern Communications and By Air, Land, And Sea

No matter how you want to build your US force, Armies of the United States has you covered, and with so many fantastic new American miniatures being released, there’s never been a better time to dive in. Get your pre-order sorted now, and prepare to enter the war!


Bolt Action: Armies of the United States: Third Edition is out next month in the US and UK.

Order today.

Find the official miniatures from Warlord Games on their website.

A banner with an illustration of a WW2 soldier firing a gun against a black and yellow background with a strategic map texture, alongside the Osprey Games and Warlord Games logos