
Pershing's Lieutenants details the history of the key leaders working for and with the American Expeditionary Forces Commander-in-Chief General John J. Pershing, several of whom went on to become important figures in World War II.

World War I had a profound impact on the United States of America, which was forced to 'grow' an army almost overnight. The day the United States declared war on Germany, the US Army was only the 17th largest in the world, ranking behind Portugal – the Regular Army had only 128,00 troops, backed up by the National Guard with some 182,000 troops. By the end of the war it had grown to 3,700,000, with slightly more than half that number in Europe.

Until the United States did so, no country in all history had tried to deploy a 2-million-man force 3,000 miles from its own borders, a force led by American Expeditionary Forces Commander-in-Chief General John J. Pershing. This was America's first truly modern war and rising from its ranks was a new generation of leaders who would control the fate of the United States armed forces during the interwar period and into World War II.

This book reveals the history of the key leaders working for and with John J. Pershing during this tumultuous period, including George S. Patton (tank commander and future commander of the US Third Army during World War II); Douglas MacArthur (42nd Division commander and future General of the Army) and Harry S. Truman (artillery battery commander and future President of the United States).

Edited by Major General David T. Zabecki (US Army, Retired) and Colonel Douglas V. Mastriano (US Army, Retired), this fascinating title comprises chapters on individual leaders from subject experts across the US, including faculty members of the US Army War College.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
Introduction: The War to End All War

Part One – The Future Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Army
1: Major General John L. Hines
2: Major General Charles P. Summerall
3: Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur
4: Brigadier General Malin Craig
5: Colonel George C. Marshall

Part Two – The Future Commandants of the U.S. Marine Corps
6: Major General John A. Lejeune
7: Brigadier General Wendell C. Neville

Part Three – The Senior Staff Officers
8: Major General James G. Harbord
9: Brigadier General Fox Conner
10: Brigadier General Hugh A. Drum
11: Brigadier General Charles G. Dawes

Part Four – The Army Commanders
12: Lieutenant General Hunter Liggett
13: Lieutenant General Robert L. Bullard
14: Major General Joseph T. Dickman

Part Five – The Corps and Division Commanders
15: Major General George H. Cameron
16: Major General Clarence R. Edwards
17: Major General Robert Alexander

Part Six – The Specialist Officers
18: Brigadier General William “Billy” Mitchell
19: Colonel George S. Patton, Jr.

Part Seven – The Regimental Officers
20: Colonel William J. Donovan
21: Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
22: Major Harry S. Truman

Appendix: U.S. Army Professional Military Education in the Early 20th Century
Select Bibliography

Product details

Published Nov 26 2020
Format Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Edition 1st
Extent 368
ISBN 9781472838643
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 16pp plate section in b&w
Series General Military
Short code GNM
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors

Volume Editor

David T. Zabecki

Major General David T. Zabecki, PhD, U.S. Army (Re…


William H. Van Husen

William H. Van Husen, U.S. Air Force (Retired) rec…


Holt D. Theis


Jerry D. Morelock

JERRY D. MORELOCK, PhD, Colonel, U.S. Army, ret.,…


Patrick Gregory

Patrick began his career with the BBC in London, w…


Mark Jackson

Born and reared in Ohio, Mark Jackson attended Ohi…


James S. Corum

Dr James S. Corum is an internationally recognized…


Timothy P. White

Tim White is a co-founder, owner and Managing Dire…


Glenn K. Cunningham

Dr. G. K. Cunningham is Professor of Strategic Lan…


Kenneth S. Shaw

Colonel Ken Shaw currently serves with the Transit…


Sebastian H. Lukasik

Associate Professor, Department of Airpower, Air C…


Derek Varble

Derek Varble read Modern History at Oriel College,…


Mark E. Grotelueschen

Dr. Mark E. Grotelueschen teaches strategic studie…


Carlo D'Este


Carl Otis Schuster

Carl Schuster is a retired US Navy Captain who ser…


Kevin E. McCall


Robert A. Doughty

Brigadier General Robert Doughty retired in July 2…


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