It's time for the new artwork reveal, with three stunning plates from our May 2016 releases. Enjoy!

Campaign 293: Downfall 1945 by Steven J Zaloga

Our first plate was painted by Steve Noon, and shows Mistel Ju-188 bombers attacking the bridges of the Oder River. Hitler had ordered the attacks to sever the Red Army's logistical links, still clinging to the hope that Germany could defeat the oncoming Allied forces.

Click here to view the book.


New Vanguard 234: British Guided Missile Destroyers by Edward Hampshire

Our second plate, painted by Paul Wright, shows HMS Glamorgan being struck by an Exocet fired during the Falklands War after attempts to intercept the incoming missile failed.

Click here to view the book.

Weapon 46: The M3 "Grease Gun" by Leroy Thompson

Lastly we have a dramatic scene from the Battle of the Bulge painted by Adam Hook, showing the tank crew of a damaged Sherman M4A1 fighting back against an attack from the Panzergrenadiere of SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3.

Click here to view the book.

Have these three plates left you eagerly awaiting their May release? Let us know in the comments section below!