On the 21st February 1916, during the First World War, the battle of Verdun commenced with an attack by German troops under General Erich von Falkenhayn on the French fortress city of Verdun. A bloody war of attrition, the conflict continued for over 300 days, becoming one of the longest battles in human history.
In the below photograph, taken in 1916, French soldiers of the 87th Regiment, 6th Division are just visible, blending into the landscape at Côte 304, (Hill 304), northwest of Verdun.
If you're interested in reading more about this terrible battle, why not pick up a copy of William Martin's Verdun 1916: 'They shall not pass' in our Campaign series or Clayton Donnell's Fortress title, The Fortifications of Verdun 1874–1917?
The original image can be found here.
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