The ranked collectors so far are as follows:

 @Zacctastic – Lance Corporal

@railok - Lieutenant

@kjams22 – Lieutenant-Commander

@AndrewLavoie1 – Colonel

@CuadernodeLuis – Inspector-General

@LordCirencester - Lieutenant (JG)

@htavella – Coronel Pablo

A little while back, however, we got an email from one customer who wanted to purchase two more Osprey spinners. Yes, that'r right, two more to go wiith the other six he already has! We asked him for a snap of his gargantuan collection and he duly obliged - check this out!


six spinners 


This is surely worthy of the rank of Supreme Commander! Well done sir. 

Please get in touch and show us your collections. We want photos! You can either tweet us, Facebook us, or email your photo to the [email protected] inbox. We'll give you your rank accordingly.