I've been trying to work out whether Twitter is worth doing recently and I fear I may be getting a little addicted. Not just to keeping up to date with the latest activities of Niall Ferguson, Dan Snow or Steven Pressfield but also to finding out about all those fantastic historical institutions and organisations that are twittering or tweeting (which is it?) away.

Organisations like the Imperial War Museum or the Smithsonian present snapshots of their collections, notable events of the day and general information about their activities which are invaluable if you are trying to keep up with everything happening, past, present and future.

I've also been following Gary Smailes over at Bubblecow who helps aspiring writers to hone their craft. He was running a short test of writing ingenuity asking his followers to write a book using just six words. After having a go I began thinking of describing battles and wars in just six words which happily filled a few minutes between invoices and event planning for next year. So here are my first attempts:

  • War interrupted. Demagogues rise. Poland Attacked.
  • Napoleon escapes. Wellington humbugged. Blucher arrives.

No prizes for guessing the historical event it describes but can you do any better?

Visit my Twitter page to have a go.

Or keep up with the latest Twittering from Osprey in general here.

If you haven't signed up for Twitter yet then try your luck in the comments below.

Best entry wins a random selection of books I can find.