Here at the Osprey UK offices, it is just another Thursday filled with tanks, muskets, and cavalry charges. But somewhere over the ocean I know my family is just rising to a tough day of food, football, and more food.  It is Thanksgiving Day, a holiday wonderful for its simplicity. It is also a day that American\'s tend to think a lot about their Armed Forces, about the soldiers, sailors, and airmen who are far from home.

While Veteran\'s Day (or Remembrance Day here) is a wonderful day to remember those who have gone before, Thanksgiving is a great day to remember those who are fighting now. Wherever you are, today is a great day to take a moment and think about your countrymen who have given up much of their own personal freedom to fight and defend the rest of us.

Happy Thanksgiving from Osprey - especially to all the soldiers everywhere who are far from home.