Mortain 1944

Hitler’s Normandy Panzer offensive

Mortain 1944 cover


A highly illustrated study of Operation Lüttich, the German Panzer counteroffensive against the Normandy bridgehead in August 1944 that backfired, leading to a collapse of the German position in northern France.

Fully illustrated with stunning full-color artwork, this book tells the story of Operation Lüttich, the failed offensive which ended any prospect of Germany winning the battle of Normandy.

Following the successful landings in Normandy on D-Day and consolidation during Operation Cobra, the Wehrmacht was ordered to begin a counteroffensive named Operation Lüttich.

The plan was to send a large Panzer force across the First US Army sector, cutting off its spearheads, and finally reach Avranches on the coast. Had this succeeded, it not only would have cut off the First US Army spearheads, but also Patton's newly deployed Third US Army operating in Brittany. However, thanks to an intercepted radio message, the Allies were well-prepared for the offensive and not only repelled the oncoming panzers, but went on a counterattack that would lead to a whole German army becoming encircled in the Falaise Pocket.

Table of Contents

Origins of the campaign

Opposing commanders
Opposing armies
Orders of battle
Opposing plans
The campaign

The battlefields today
Further reading

Product details

Published May 21 2019
Format Paperback
Edition 1st
Extent 96
ISBN 9781472832528
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations Full colour maps; diagrams and illustrations throughout
Dimensions 248 x 184 mm
Series Campaign
Short code CAM 335
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Steven J. Zaloga

Steven J. Zaloga is a senior analyst for Teal Grou…


Steve Noon

Steve Noon was born in Kent, UK, and attended art…


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