Galloglass 1250–1600

Gaelic Mercenary Warrior

Galloglass 1250–1600 cover

Galloglass 1250–1600

Gaelic Mercenary Warrior

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Galloglass, from the Gaelic gall_glaigh for 'young foreign warriors', were mercenaries from the Western Isles of Scotland who fought in the retinues of Irish magnates from the mid-13th century until the early 17th century. Without question, galloglass are among the most visually impressive warriors of all time: they were sketched by Albrecht D_rer, were mentioned by Shakespeare, and were discussed with awe and amazement in the correspondence of all the leading Elizabethan soldiers who served in Ireland. Thousands fought in Ireland, and yet so far there has been only one detailed account of the galloglass, and this work concentrates on the clan and family structures of the galloglass, and not their experience as warriors. This book provides the first detailed military history of these fearsome warriors.

Table of Contents

Introduction/ Chronology/ Recruitment/ Training and Selection/ Appearance/ Conditions of Service/ On Campaign/ The Galloglass Experience/ Ethos and Motivation/ Select Bibliography/ Places to Visit/ Glossary/ Index

Product details

Published Mar 23 2010
Format Paperback
Edition 1st
Extent 64
ISBN 9781846035777
Imprint Osprey Publishing
Illustrations 30 b/w; 33 col
Dimensions 248 x 184 mm
Series Warrior
Short code WAR 143
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing

About the contributors


Seán Ó’Brógáin

Seán Ó’Brógáin lives and works in Donegal, I…


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