Angus McBride

Illustrator of:

The Age of Charlemagne, The Alamo 1836, Allied Commanders of World War II, Ancient Armies of the Middle East, The Ancient Assyrians, Ancient Chinese Armies 1500–200 BC, The Ancient Greeks, The Armies of Islam 7th–11th Centuries, Armies of Ivan the Terrible, Armies of Medieval Russia 750–1250, Armies of the German Peasants' War 1524–26, Armies of the Muslim Conquest, Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775–1820, Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300–1774, The Army of Alexander the Great, Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars, Attila and the Nomad Hordes, Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec Armies, The Border Reivers, Buccaneers 1620–1700, Byzantine Armies 886–1118, Byzantine Armies AD 1118–1461, Byzantine Infantryman, The Conquistadores, Early Samurai AD 200–1500, El Cid and the Reconquista 1050–1492, Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560–1605, French Armies of the Hundred Years War, German Commanders of World War II, German Medieval Armies 1300–1500, Germanic Warrior AD 236–568, Gladiators, Granada 1492, Highland Clansman 1689–1746, The Hussite Wars 1419–36, Imperial Roman Legionary AD 161–284, Italian Medieval Armies 1000–1300, Knights at Tournament, The Mamluks 1250–1517, Marlborough's Army 1702–11, Medieval Russian Armies 1250–1500, Medieval Scandinavian Armies (1), Medieval Scandinavian Armies (2), The Mongols, The Moors, Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC–AD 1300, The Mycenaeans c.1650–1100 BC, Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers, Napoleon's Dragoons and Lancers, Napoleon's Guard Cavalry, Napoleon's Hussars, Napoleon's Line Chasseurs, New Kingdom Egypt, The Normans, North-West Frontier 1837–1947, Pirates 1660–1730, Polish Armies 1569–1696 (1), Polish Armies 1569–1696 (2), Privateers & Pirates 1730–1830, Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC, Roman Legionary 58 BC–AD 69, Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th–9th Centuries, Rome's Enemies (2), Rome's Enemies (3), Rome's Enemies (4), Rome's Enemies (5), Saladin and the Saracens, The Samurai, Samurai 1550–1600, Samurai Heraldry, Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224–642, The Scandinavian Baltic Crusades 1100–1500, The Scythians 700–300 BC, Soldiers of the English Civil War (1), Soldiers of the English Civil War (2), The Special Air Service, Stirling Bridge and Falkirk 1297–98, The Thracians 700 BC–AD 46, The Vikings, Women at War 1939–45, Zulu 1816–1906, The Zulu War, The Zulus

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Angus McBride was one of the world's most respected historical illustrators, and contributed to over 100 Osprey titles over several decades.